Carpathian mountains
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Central Mountains

Project overview

From the Alps to the Carpathians – strengthening governance models for sustainable development of mountain areas in Central Europe

The Alps and Carpathians are important natural corridors that connect many central European countries. Unfortunately, cooperation across borders often lacks a joint vision in mountain areas. To change this, the Central Mountains project designs and implements a joint strategy and regional action plans to create amongst others cross-border functional areas. By improving governance structures, processes and operations, the partners sustainably improve cooperation among Alpine-Carpathian regions.

2,33m €

Project Budget


of the Budget is funded by ERDF

Layer 1










Start date

End date

Project progress


About the project

First and foremost, the "Central Mountains" project is willing to take advantage of the European community that we are a part of and that enables us to cooperate across a wide range of countries, regions and territories. We believe we have more similarities than differences, and that experiences gained in one territory can be transferred to another. With this ‘open mind‘ approach, the "Central Mountains" project will address and identifie challenges through capitalization, joint strategies, cross-border testing and territorial roll-out. This approach will be oriented towards improved governance structures and processes in mountain areas from the Alps to the Carpathians, including the Sudetes. Over time, all the actions undertaken within the framework will boil down to a series of paradigms that will lay a foundation for enhanced governance. Therefore, the project stays open for mountains areas from outside the Alps and the Carpathians as well.

Project partnership

Project partners

Polska (PL)

Lead partner

Rzeszów County

Jednostka samorządu terytorialnego (a local government unit)
Grunwaldzka 15
35-959 Rzeszów
Poland (PL)

Project partner

Pl. Kilińskiego 2
35-005 Rzeszów
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
358,480 €
Bezručova 9
811 09 Bratislava
Slovakia (SK)
Total partner budget
199,200 €
Felvégi 53
3300 Eger
Hungary (HU)
Total partner budget
205,060 €
Zelená 182
251 62 Mukařov
Czechia (CZ)
Total partner budget
147,800 €
Jana Kiepury 1/9
58-506 Jelenia Góra
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
149,800 €
Institute for Regional Development
Viale Druso 1
39100 Bolzano/Bozen
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
192,110 €
13 13
34170 Gorizia
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
200,360 €
Techendorf 90
9762 Weissensee
Austria (AT)
Total partner budget
208,420 €
Hirschgraben 15
6800 Feldkirch
Austria (AT)
Total partner budget
200,200 €
Eroilor Blvd 5
500007 Brasov
Romania (RO)
Total partner budget
184,000 €



Why we are here?

Mountain areas are specific with their own challenges. Even the well-developed Alpes are very heterogeneous with economic and demographic disparities such. These areas may also be very peripheral such as the Carpathians or the Sudetes. But at the same time these are regions with many assets or resources (including natural and cultural heritage). From the Alps to the Carpathians, let's meet, work and cooperate!


Specific problem

The Carpathians, Alps and Sudetes are located on border areas the lack of effective cross-border and transnational cooperation. This cooperation is crucial, since it the basis for the proper management of natural or cultural resources, steering the sustainable development of the whole chain of mountain areas and ensuring that the local communities are involved in the process (including youth involvement). Problems related to sustainable development in border areas of the Alps and the Carpathians cannot be solved by one country alone and require cooperation beyond borders.


Our idea

What if we mprove the governance models of mountain areas and cross-border cooperation?


Our solution

We want to strengthen and improve governance models in mountain areas of Central Europe, with particular emphasis on cross-border and transnational cooperation structures in order to solve common challenges for the sustainable development.


How will it work?

We will achieve long-term, sustainable cooperation across borders in mountain areas. Developing and improving cross-border and transnational cooperation structures is a key element to strengthen regional development and cohesion across borders. These structures will operate without dependence on the project cycles and EU funding.


Pilot actions


Strategy main page

Joint Strategy Report

Joint strategy for community-led sustainable development of mountain areas in Central Europe with a special focus on participatory governance. The document presents an analytical framework to assist community-based initiatives to upgrade cross-border participatory governance processes. It provides the basis for the preparation of Action Plans. The strategy was developed by EURAC, CIPRA and ISIG team with the support of other project partners.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Sustainable tourism development in the Carpathians

Action Plan addresses several territorial challenges specific to the Carpathians. Its main aim is strengthening and improving governance models, particularly focusing on sustainable tourism fuelled by local community engagement and cross-border cooperation. It identifies 3 strategic objectives: Institutional cooperation in the Carpathians, Green Carpathians, Integrated development and competitiveness in the Carpathians.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans

Future Alpine Pearls EGTC

Effective cross-border and transnational cooperation are crucial in the mountain areas for the proper natural resources management, sustainable development & communities involvement. Alpine EGTC is a solution, so the general objective of this Action Plan is development of EGTC Alpine Pearls as the platform for transnational cooperation between tourism destinations.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Citizens involvement in decision making processes in the Carpathians

Lack of community-led development solutions and civil society organizations involvement are problems in socio-economic development of the Carpathians. There is a strong need for CSOs to exchange good practices on involving citizens in decision-making. This Action Plan is aimed at making the Carpathian Civil Society Platform a self-propelling organization.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Public-private cooperation in the Sudetes

Action Plan aimed at improving cooperation for regional products and tourism services promotion on the Czech and Polish side of the Giant Mountains and also the Czech-Polish border region, through public-private cooperation on both sides of the border, transnational exchange of knowledge, and mutual and shared promotional activities.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans

Alpine-Carpathian toolbox for active involvement of citizens and youth in decision making processes

Jointly developed transnational toolset for active citizens and youth involvement with guidelines, methods, good practices and practical templates based on experience gained in the pilots. It will guide regional/local actors in approaching, designing and implementing engagement of citizens and youth in decision-making strategies in the context of transnational cooperation in mountain areas of CE. Consultation with the Carpathian Convention and the Alpine Convention will support policy uptake.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Toolbox: Transnational structures for long-term cooperation in mountain areas

Concepts, methods, practical templates and guidelines from 3 pilot actions (CSTP, Alpine Pearls EGTC and CCSP) will be used to prepare a toolset for implementing transnational structures for long- term cooperation in mountain areas. The toolset is addressed to different stakeholders and it will provide guidance in application of long-term- oriented approach to cross-border and transnational cooperation. The Carpathian and the Alpine Convention will support policy uptake, roll-out and upscale.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Toolbox: Cross-border structures for cooperation: from strategy to planning and operation

A toolbox for planning and implementation of Cross- Border Functional Areas in mountain regions will be designed. Set of solutions and guidelines will be prepared based on 3 pilots conducted in PL, SK and CZ, incl. strategies and operational bases and models, digital solutions and public-private cooperation with rural SMEs and regional products producers. The document will guide regional/local in mountain areas actors in creating strategies for CBFAs and effectively executing them.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Project videos

Central Mountains

The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.

Project on social media

Project Contacts

Project Manager

Dawid Lasek
Phone: 0048 17 852 52 05

Finance Manager

Malgorzata Steckiewicz
Phone: 0048691930716

Communication Manager

Anna Buk
Phone: 0048 17 852 52 05