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Documents: 39 results

Strategic documents

Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme 2021-27 (IP) This document defines the programme strategy and intervention logic for Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-27 (March 2022, version adopted by European Commission)

Application documents

Third call: Application package with tools The package includes Terms of Reference, offline application form with guidance, lead and partner declarations, simplified financial statement and pitch deck template. It also includes complementary tools. Published on 15 October 2024.
Jems manual for the third call Jems manual for applicants of the third call for proposals. Published on 15 October 2024.

Implementation documents

Subsidy contract model Version 3. Published in April 2024.
Brand book Version 3. Published on 23 April 2024. Includes version change log that outlines main changes.
Project website manual and guidance Includes user manual and tips on how to make most of the project website.
Jems guidance sheets Includes guidance on contracting section, control work, project privileges, partner report, joint finance and activity reports and modification. This guidance can be also found in the Jems online manual
Monitoring plan template Version 2. Published in March 2024.
Task assignment model Version 2. Published in August 2024.
Control documents Includes control report and checklist, as well as certificate of expenditure templates
Financial correction report Includes template and report about ineligible expenditure detected by the national controllers after verification
Joint finance report annexes Includes lead partner verifications and project payment request templates
Modification request template Version 2. Published in August 2024.

Reports and studies

Impact evaluation 2014-20: Final report Annexes upon request at info@interreg-central.eu. Published July 2023.
Impact evaluation 2014-20: Thematic papers Thematic papers illustrate impact of our funding in five different areas: innovation, low-carbon economy, environment, culture and transport. Published July 2023.
ESPON CE-FLOWS targeted analysis Study presents territorial development scenarios for the functional area of Central Europe. Published October 2021.