Project overview
Demand REsponsive trAnsport integrating regional Mobility networks for PAssengers in Central Europe
Sustainable mobility offers are improving across central Europe but the various modes are not always seamlessly connected with each other. Such integration is especially challenging in sparsely populated regions but also cities struggle to meet customer expectations perfectly well. The DREAM_PACE develops demand-responsive transport concepts for regional mobility networks. The partners develop a strategy to integrate these into sustainable urban mobility plans and test operational innovations.
2,82m €
Project Budget
of the Budget is funded by ERDF
Start date
End date
Project progress
About the project
Project partnership
Project partners

Lead partner
SRM Networks and Mobility
Project partner
Marketing; EU Projects
Mobility Development
Department of Economy, EU funds and Agriculture
Mobility Innovation
Institut für Berufliche Bildung und Arbeitslehre (Cluster Mobilitätsforschung)
10587 Berlin
Infrastructure and Society
Step 1 - Analysis

This preliminary activity will provide an overview on status and trends of DRT digital and operational innovations in EU and CE regions, and deliver scenarios for the delivery of new services and options.
Step 2 - Living Labs

DREAM_PACE will set six Living Labs in order to map and engage stakeholder, as well as raising awareness among local communities and target groups. DREAM_PACE project will tackle different specific challenges, in areas which have different background conditions. 1. We foster a better integration of DRT and public transport in Bologna (Italy), Pavia (Italy), Budapest (Hungary). 2. We support a better coordination among existing DRT initiatives through a bottom-up approach in Osttirol (Austria) and Baden-Wuerttenberg (Germany) 3. We experiment new integrated approaches for DRT "greenfield" in Split-Dalmatia County (Croatia).
Step 3 - Pilots

In step 3, pilots, DREAM_PACE will jointly design innovative digital and service model blueprint enhancing existing and new DRT networks. This is done pursuing responsiveness in rural/peripheral areas, leveraging digital and operational innovative elements, and nudging change in the decision makers' process.
Step 4 - Common Strategy

DREAM_PACE will exploit the potential of integrated planning and digital and operational innovations for a common strategy and develop innovative Demand Response Transport modular solutions. The project implementation builds on transnational cooperation to guarantee an adequate responsiveness and adaptability of project results to specific characteristics of mobility ecosystems across CE rural and peripheral areas.
Step 5 - Communication, Knowledge Transfer, Uptake and Upscale

In step 5, DREAM_PACE will foster the take up and upscaling of DRT solutions and offer of innovative transport services to public and private decision makers and operators, in order to guiding adopters towards the implementation and upscaling of mobility provision.
Pilot actions
O.1.2. Mobility planning and governance model for DRT integration in public transport in peripheral and low demand areas
O.1.4 Mobility planning and governance model for DRT coordination in peripheral and rural territories
O.2.2 Digital/operational model enhancing the existing DRT networks providing better integration and coordination
O.2.4 New DRT service model enhancing accessibility in peripheral and rural areas
O.3.1 Topic guide DRT 3.0 in Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs)
O.3.2 Jointly developed DRT 3.0 action plans for pilot regions
Project videos
Project documents
The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.