DREAM_Pace challenge at the TU Berlin and BGI winter school held in Aveiro (Portugal)!

Date: 03.04.2024

DREAM_Pace challenge at the TU Berlin and BGI winter school held in Aveiro (Portugal)!

Together with BGI Sustainable Ventures from Lisbon and the University of Aveiro, TU Berlin invited 35 students across Europe for the Innov4Mobility winter school on latest trends in urban mobility and research.

“How to reconnect Europe’s rural regions” was the DREAM_PACE challenge set by TU Berlin. 6 students discussed mobility services nowadays and worked on a business idea on DRT (Demand Responsive Transport) in rural regions. The aim was to develop a social-technological solution to provide villages of the Hinterland with mobility provision.

As a result, the group developed – in February 2024 – their DRT-platform CommuniRide in line the principles of blue zones (where people live especially long and healthy) and the integration of local business. CominiRide does not only aim to guarantee mobility services but also envisions DRT as a collective space of social interaction.