Uploading of annexes

In case no files are uploaded a notification message is shown.
To upload a file to a relevant section/sub-section first select the section and then click “Upload file“.
“Application attachments” lists all documents uploaded in any of the subsections. The column “Location” indicates the upload section.

To upload a file related to a specific project partner, first select the partner and then click “Upload file”

Click the pencil icon to add a description to the uploaded file. It is recommended to enter a description to uploaded files. This allows you to distinguish files.
Click the arrow icon to download an uploaded file.
Click the file icon to download all uploaded files as a zip folder.
Click the trash icon to delete an uploaded file.
Jems allows to upload the most popular file types relevant for the programmes’ usage. In case of questions contact jems@interreg-central.eu
Make sure that all the obligatory documents are uploaded. The system cannot check whether this criterion is fulfilled.