Project overview

Zero energy buildings for zero energy neighbourhoods

Public zero-energy buildings produce enough renewable energy to meet their own annual energy consumption requirements. They help regions and cities to save energy and money. But what to do in historic neighbourhoods with rigid building protection rules? The ZEB4ZEN project develops a transferrable transnational methodology and regional action plans for achieving zero-emission standards, which they also test in pilot actions in historic city neighbourhoods.

2,04m €

Project Budget


of the Budget is funded by ERDF

Layer 1










Start date

End date

Project progress


Project partnership

Project partners

Hrvatska (HR)

Lead partner

Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar

Department for energy efficiency
Savska cesta 163
10000 Zagreb
Croatia (HR)

Project partner

Communication office and staff of the mayor
Ul. Dr. Ivana Banjavčica 9
47000 Karlovac
Croatia (HR)
Total partner budget
198,374 €
Via Santa Lucia 19
33013 Gemona del Friuli
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
348,001 €
Communication office and staff of the mayor
Piazza Grande 1
33057 Palmanova
Italy (IT)
Total partner budget
188,222 €
Engineering and Industrial Design - Institute for Electrical Engineering
Breitscheidstr. 2
39114 Magdeburg
Germany (DE)
Total partner budget
288,238 €
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Conservation of Built Heritage
Nadbystrzycka 40
20-618 Lublin
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
281,000 €
Rynek Wielki 13
22-400 Zamość
Poland (PL)
Total partner budget
174,092 €



Our Challenge

The ZEB4ZEN project is being implemented in four historic neighborhoods across Central Europe: Karlovac, Palmanova, Zamość, and Quedlinburg. The main challenge of the ZEB4ZEN project is to develop zero-emission neighborhoods that integrate historic buildings with modern, energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy systems, reducing emissions while preserving cultural heritage. This requires innovative solutions and collaboration across multiple sectors to achieve sustainability and energy efficiency at the neighborhood level. Historic neighborhoods face the dual challenge of preserving their cultural heritage while achieving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions.


Main problem

The core problem addressed by the project is the challenge of retrofitting historic buildings to achieve near-zero energy emissions while preserving their cultural and architectural heritage. Traditional renovation approaches often treat buildings in isolation, missing opportunities for energy optimization at the neighborhood level and synergies between buildings. Additionally, a common misconception is that historic buildings should not be equipped with new energy-efficient technologies. The project aims to overcome these barriers by identifying and exploiting solutions that modernize historic centers while safeguarding their historical value.


Our solution

The main idea behind the ZEB4ZEN project is to develop a comprehensive methodology and define action plans for achieving zero-emission neighborhoods (ZEN) by integrating modern energy-efficient technologies into historic urban areas. The project focuses on reducing energy demand and carbon emissions from buildings and transportation—sectors responsible for over half of EU emissions—by transitioning to highly efficient, electricity-based systems. It also explores how interconnected neighborhood buildings can actively participate in the electricity market, benefiting residents and the energy system. By leveraging the experience gained from pilot activities and investments in neighborhoods rich in historic buildings, ZEB4ZEN develops a structured methodology for defining scenarios to achieve ZEN. This methodology, designed to be replicable across different regions, will be presented to a broader audience using virtual reality technology, demonstrating that historic buildings can be preserved and modernized to meet future energy standards and sustainability goals.


How it works

Our approach begins with a thorough exchange of experiences and knowledge among project partners, fostering innovative solutions. First, we conduct energy audits and data collection to assess the potential of each neighborhood for near-zero energy consumption. Next, we implement energy efficiency and renewable energy measures, such as advanced insulation techniques, solar installations, and digital tools like virtual reality for planning. Finally, we develop structured action plans and a clear methodology applicable across various districts to guide cities toward achieving zero-emission status while respecting their cultural heritage.


Pilot actions


Jointly developed Zero-emission nighbourhoods auditing solution

This auditing solution, developed collaboratively by our technical partners, is being tested in four pilot locations: the city centre neighborhoods of Karlovac, Palmanova, Zamosc, and Quedlinburg. The solution comprises three key elements: the joint methodology on zero-emission neighborhoods’ energy data collection, the implementation of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures transitioning from zero-emission buildings to zero-emission neighborhoods, and optimizing these measures for zero-emission neighborhoods. These elements are derived from pilot actions conducted in the four neighborhoods, with three involving concrete pilot investments as part of our small-scale demonstration initiatives. The solution will be further developed and refined through these tests. It will be upscaled by presenting it to relevant public authorities and energy professionals, helping to promote sustainable urban development across Europe.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Monitoring, reporting and verification for zero emission neighbourhoods EE/RES measures

Based on the pilot investments tested in the neighborhoods of the City of Karlovac, the City of Palmanova, and the City of Zamość—focused on the Solar Energy Community in Palmanova, optimizing thermal insulation in historic tenement houses in Zamość, and the green and digital neighborhood transformation in Karlovac—a joint solution will be developed to monitor, report, and verify the implemented energy efficiency and renewable energy measures for achieving zero emission neighborhoods. This solution is being developed with support from all technical partners. It will be further refined and upscaled by presenting it to relevant public authorities and professionals in the energy sector.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Strategy for achieving near-zero energy standards for cultural heritage sites within the neighbourhoods

This jointly developed strategy, based on the experiences of the four pilot locations—the City of Karlovac, the City of Palmanova, the City of Zamość, and the City of Quedlinburg—has been created with the support of technical partners. The strategy focuses on energy efficiency and renewable energy investments specifically targeted at cultural heritage sites within neighborhoods while respecting UNESCO restrictions. Representatives of the pilot neighborhoods will formally adopt this strategy by signing a letter of intent. The plan is designed to be applicable to a broader range of neighborhoods beyond the pilot sites.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Neighbourhood digital-twin development focused on cultural heritage sites

All technical partners will work together to develop a solution tested in the four pilot locations—the City of Karlovac, the City of Palmanova, the City of Zamość, and the City of Quedlinburg—on creating a digital twin of a neighborhood aiming to optimize energy flows and achieve the zero-emission neighborhood standard. This solution will be developed by integrating the results of specific project activities focused on digital modeling and energy management. The digital twin will be a key tool for neighborhoods to plan and implement effective energy efficiency measures.
Type of output: Solutions
In development

Energy action plans presented in VR environment

Four action plans, jointly developed for the pilot neighborhoods in the City of Karlovac, the City of Palmanova, the City of Zamość, and the City of Quedlinburg, translate the existing strategy into concrete actions. These action plans are based on energy efficiency and renewable energy strategies tailored to each neighborhood. Representatives of the pilot neighborhoods will formally adopt these plans by signing a letter of intent. The action plans will compile the results of all activities implemented throughout the project and will be presented spatially in a virtual reality (VR) online environment, enhancing engagement and visualization.
Type of output: Strategies and action plans
In development

Energy planning using VR environment

All technical partners will collaborate to develop a solution, tested in four pilot locations—the City of Karlovac, the City of Palmanova, the City of Zamość, and the City of Quedlinburg—on using virtual reality technology to visualize actions outlined in energy action plans. This innovative solution will be upscaled by presenting it to relevant public authorities and professionals in the energy planning field. The development of this solution will integrate the findings from specific project activities, providing a cutting-edge tool for effective energy planning and decision-making.
Type of output: Solutions
In development


The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.

Project Contacts

Project Manager

Matija Vajdić
Phone: +385995326276

Finance Manager

Sandro Snovak
Phone: +385994932745

Communication Manager

Jasmina Trstenjak
Phone: +385995326155