Successful Start of the Workshop “Renovation Roadmaps for Public Building Portfolios” in Austria

Date: 06.05.2024
On April 23rd, the first part of the workshop “Renovation Roadmaps for Public Building Portfolios” took place, organized by the Energy Agency of Styria in collaboration with e7 energy innovation & engineering. The event provided an exciting platform for discussing sustainable building and financing standards.


A Morning Full of Knowledge:

The workshop began with an inspiring lecture by Gerhard Kopeinig, who presented successful projects and discussed the EEDIII and the MESTRI project. The subsequent discussion focused on key factors for sustainable renovations.


Afternoon Session: Focus on Financing:

After a refreshing lunch break, the workshop continued with the topic “Financing Renovation Programs through PPP and Contracting.” Moderated by Klemens Leutgöb, Reinhard Ungerböck (ELENA StyriA), Andreas Kettenhuber (Kommunalkredit Austria AG), and Johann Reßler (Energy Agency of Styria) provided valuable insights into financing strategies. The lively discussion addressed financing and debt limits, as well as the visibility of alternative financing models in cities and municipalities.


Learn More and Participate:

For details on the event’s schedule and a full recap in German, click here. If you are interested in participating in similar future events in Austria or want to stay informed, let us know here.

Join us and help shape the future of sustainable renovation projects! 🌱💡