Repair Café Workshop at the REUSE Center in Slovenske Konjice

In Person
Location: Slovenia
Date: 22.03.2024
Embrace sustainable living with our Repair Café workshop! Instead of throwing away broken items, learn how to revive and repair them. This Friday, March 22, 2024, we invite you to join us at the REUSE Center in Slovenske Konjice for an insightful session on practical skills that promote eco-friendly living.


What to Expect:


Hands-On Learning: Get practical experience in repairing various objects.

Expert Guidance: Learn from experienced repair enthusiasts and professionals.

Reduce Waste: Discover how repairing instead of discarding contributes to waste reduction.

Eco-Friendly Lifestyle: Gain insights into sustainable practices for everyday living.

Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to a greener future! Join us at the REUSE Center this Friday and be part of the movement towards a more sustainable world.