Project overview
New chance for Polluted Lands: Recovery of agricultural soil function by non-food farming and adapted soil management at degraded sites
In many of our regions, agricultural soils are contaminated by various pollutants. Moreover, these lands are still used for growing food or animal feed, leading to an uncontrolled uptake of pollutants into the human food chain. The PoLaRecCE project works on a sustainable land management programme and tests cutting-edge tools and techniques to remediate degraded soils for non-food agricultural production. The partners disseminate knowledge gained from pilot areas and propose economically viable solutions to support the agricultural production of non-foods or environmentally-friendly conversion of contaminated soils.
1,77m €
Project Budget
of the Budget is funded by ERDF
Start date
End date
Project progress
About the project
Project partnership
Project partners

Lead partner
Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Department of Environmental Magnetism and Reclamation
Project partner
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari
Institute of Chemical and Energy Engineering
Recovery of agricultural soil function by non-food farming and adapted soil management at degraded site

In Central Europe (CE), the sustainable management of agricultural soils contaminated or degraded by various human activities is an administrative and social challenge. The PoLaRecCE project aims to develop innovative tools and approaches to support land management practices to better adapt degraded soils to the environmental, social and economic needs of the local community.
Specific Problem

In many regions of Europe, agricultural or marginal soils are contaminated by various types of pollutants. Moreover, these soils are still used for growing food and feed, leading to uncontrolled uptake of pollutants into the food chain.
Our idea

Our idea is to disseminate the knowledge and practical experience of European organizations from different climatic regions to implement the most up-to-date strategies for rapid remediation and restoration of degraded soils for non-food agricultural production.
Our solution

The project provides an innovative and coherent management program to restore agricultural activity on contaminated and marginal land.
How it works

Selected pilot areas in different regions of CE will be established to test the most innovative methods for rapidly detecting different pollutants. If the soil needs remediation, the most appropriate and cost-effective techniques will be promoted to strengthen sustainable environmental management practices and enable non-food agriculture.

We plan to achieve the following results: - Organisations cooperating across borders after project completion - Joint strategies and action plans taken up by PPs - Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organizations involved in the project Due to their characteristics project results scalability may occur in other EU countries with the support of a communication strategy.
Pilot actions

Jointly-developed strategy and action plan to engage stakeholders and end-users in using and expanding the Central European database

Action plan developed for land degraded by urban and industrial deposition
The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.