Project overview
CoFarm4Cities: Creating a sustainable model for urban fringe farming in Central Europe as an effective tool to prevent urban sprawl and to transition to a more sustainable food system and society
The rapid expansion of cities increasingly causes land use conflicts. Green areas are declining while citizens demand more community gardens and cultivable spaces. This calls for a new approach on urban land use, which the CoFarm4Cities project delivers. The partnership develops climate-friendly, nature-based solutions that increase urban resilience to climate change. They design and pilot a replicable model for profitable urban farming with key stakeholders in five cities.
2,24m €
Project Budget
of the Budget is funded by ERDF
Start date
End date
Project progress
Project partnership
Project partners
Lead partner
Budapest III. District Óbuda-Békásmegyer Municipality
Project partner
Department for preparation and implementation international and regional projects
Innovation and EU funds department
International Relations
Municipal Greenspace Authority
Department for Environmental Protection – Section for Rural Development
Environmental Engineering and Natural Sciences Institute of the Rejtő Sándor Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Engineering
Urbanization and climate change threaten cities' food sovereignty and biodiversity
Specific problem
How to increase cities’ resilience, counteract urban sprawl, regenerate degraded peri-urban areas, preserve biodiversity and strengthen local food systems in a sustainable way? Moreover, agricultural and gardening skills of people living in the peri-urban areas are lacking and need to be improved.
To provide local healthy food by enhancing food-production in peri-urban areas and making urban farming accessible for more residents, all while taking into account management, business, environmental and social aspects that encompasses urban farming.
We are developing a replicable model for transforming the degraded peri-urban areas into managed land for urban farming by establishing and testing urban farming models in 5 pilot cities. Based on it, an action plan will be developed setting steps and actions for the establishment of urban fringe farming.
Pilot actions
Plans for PP cities
Jointly developed strategy for adaptation of UFSLU model
The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.