The second Part of the GREENPACT Collaboration Lab – joining forces for a more sustainable future! 🌿

Date: 27.03.2024

In the breathtaking backdrop of the Å umava countryside, in the picturesque village of Lipno nad Vltavou, we recently met for another inspiring meeting of our Collaboration Lab. Experts from the business community joined together with promising future entrepreneurs to search for and test concrete solutions for the transition to circular business models.

As a fusion of innovators, thought leaders and visionaries, we immersed ourselves in discussions and workshops focused on key topics that are shaping our business towards sustainability and responsibility. Our topics included:

Inspiring Sustainability: How do we convince restaurant customers to be at the center of change? We explored effective communication and suggested innovative solutions to motivate behavioural change.

Harmony on the Pier: Devise a campaign that communicates circular principles and behavioural principles on the pier, thereby promoting conservation and sustainable use of this shared space.

Digital Pathway to Sustainability: How to modernize websites to reflect a commitment to sustainability and attract local and international visitors?

Sustainability at the heart of communication: reimagining social media, particularly Instagram, to communicate sustainability commitments, support local suppliers and market organisation.

Green experiences: suggestions for sustainable activities in the unique location of Lipno that combine fun and education.

Farm to Table: Strengthening ties with local suppliers for sustainable restaurant development.

These themes open up new horizons and show the strong potential for our work together. We are excited to share our progress and contributions with the community and look forward to the next steps we will take on this journey towards a more sustainable future.