Meeting. Trieste.

In Trieste we start working on public transport improvements

Date: 07.04.2023
On 4 – 5 April 2023 the meeting gathered all major players and proved very fruitful to adopt and decide on the preliminary activities to ensure the successful implementation. This was also a first opportunity to meet and discuss with the Interreg CE Project Officer about Program’s expectations. Among services that will be developed, one activity stands out – a new direct international train service that will connect Italy with Croatia during the summer season 2024, running from Trieste (Villa Opicina) via Divača and Pivka to Rijeka. The SUSTANCE project also plans to ensure the transferability of its solutions beyond the project area and the promotion of sustainability over time, by setting up a long-term strategy for better governance of public transport in Central Europe and a transnational cooperation network.