Developing pilot plans in Zagreb

Date: 24.09.2023
The emphasis of a meeting that took place on 19 and 20 September 2023 was on the Accessibility assessment and the collection of data for routes and regions where piloting actions will take place. Also, partners presented their piloting actions, along with the activities that already took place and a time-plan of the activities to come. To recall, pilots to be implemented are:

  • A new cross-border train service in 2024, connecting Italy (Trieste, Villa Opicina), via Slovenia (Divača, Pivka), with Croatia (Rijeka)
  • Extension until Sopron of the cross-border train service linking Austria (Neusiedl am See) with Hungary (Fertőszentmiklós)
  • Feasibility study for the improvement of passenger train services between Croatia (Pula-Buzet) and Slovenia (Divača) and installation of bike/scooter sharing points
  • Demand responsive transport application in Italy (Romagna Region), including ICT application for planning, booking and e-ticketing
  • Interactive ICT app for Istria Region (Croatia), including all private and public transport services and displaying them in one place
  • Web portal and mobile app to promote and increase the use of railway services and bicycles in Croatia, Italy and Slovenia

All of these actions will pave the way to the adoption of long-term action plans and solutions, which is why we are planning to actively involve stakeholders and analyse innovative governance schemes at regional and cross-border level.