Lignano Sabbiadoro is one of the six sites located in Central Europe chosen for setting Community Climate Resilient Missions (CCRM) thanks to the MISSION CE CLIMATE project. The CCRM set-up in this area will represent the opportunity to accelerate the transition to a climate-resilient future. Within the established CCRMs, 6 pilot projects will be implemented with the aim of designing and testing different kinds of solutions helpful to tackle the main climate challenges currently encountered by the partner communities. A well-renowned tourist attraction site in the summertime, Lignano Sabbiadoro is experiencing growing challenges linked to climate change. Like most coastal cities around the world, the city is ever more frequently facing floods (due to sea level rise and extreme precipitation events) as well as coastal erosion. Direct consequences of rising maximum temperatures, such as increased duration of heat waves and tropical nights, are also increasingly evident. The local administration aims to set up effective climate governance processes that will enhance active participation and acceptance by local stakeholders and citizens, ultimately to accelerate the transformation to a climate-ready community. Climate governance will be fostered by activating cross-sectoral, coordinated and participatory approaches that will enable the co-design and co-implementation of climate-resilient pathways with citizens and local stakeholders. The local administration will pinpoint a set of strategic interventions, also according to the outcomes of the SECAP of Lignano Sabbiadoro and in terms of risks and vulnerability assessed, to start community labs, improve and share climate knowledge, support mobilisation of funds, incentivise monitoring and evaluation actions on the progress made. Ultimately, the aim is to consolidate an informed and dedicated working group that will catalyse community resilience-builing efforts.

Date: 03.11.2023