17 information sheets were presented at the Biomass Day: conference for a livable future for ages 0-99

Date: 20.03.2024
Two hundred and twelve people decided to take a joint step for a livable future on 16th March, 2024 in Budapest.  In the framework of exciting speeches, we presented 17 information sheets on the bioeconomy to the participants. The majority of the guests were families. In this way younger and older generations could discover together how biomass can contribute to a sustainable economy.

The event was attended by “little” and “older” people. In parallel with the scientifically thorough, yet easy-to-understand presentations, children were offered handicrafts, guided tours and the participants could view Europe’s largest bee exhibition, as well.

In addition to the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, speakers from the Budapest University of Technology, the Bay Zoltán Research Institute and the Agricultural Economics Institute held interesting presentations on the theoretical foundations and practical implementation of the Bioeconomy which are based on the info sheets prepared by BIOECO-UP project partners.

One of the main objective of the BIOECO-UP is the transfer of theoretical and practical knowledge about the knowledge-based and sustainable bioeconomy. We invite you to follow the project’s website and Facebook page. Development of educational material  on bio-based solutions is part of the project. The short and easy-to-understand info sheets covering 17 topics have been developed by the international research team and will be available soon on the official website of the BIOECO-UP project both in English and in national languages.