The Green LaMiS project focuses on developing a joint transnational solution to green the last mile of home social services delivery in medium to small sized cities in Central Europe. Currently, home social services are delivered by Social Enterprises (SEs) on behalf of Local Authorities (LAs) often in an unsustainable and inefficient way, contributing to the challenges of high levels of CO2 emissions, traffic congestions and poor linkages between urban areas and the nearest urban functional areas where both social operators and final beneficiaries live. Very often, when we talk about sustainable mobility and the reduction of CO2 emissions, delivery services focus on those activities that involve the transport and home delivery of products and goods to people, while the environmental impact linked to carrying out home activities is not considered, especially if related to the care and assistance of fragile people. The two problems: sustainable mobility and home care services are often kept separate. While the challenge of the Green LaMiS project is to demonstrate that by applying sustainable mobility solutions and optimizing organizational models, it is possible to achieve an improvement for the benefit of the entire community. Which translates into: services for all but better organized; the use of ecological and sustainable vehicles diversified according to the activities to be carried out: assistance to people, nursing care, meal deliveries, transport of fragile people, etc.; and finally, in better working conditions for service operators. The project has a duration of 30 months and will develop firstly a common strategy and action plan based on an innovative methodological tool (WP1) that steams from the calculation of Carbon Footprint combined with additional indicators about the territorial morphology and the characteristics of the social services delivered. This will lead to the common ground testing (WP2) of both the strategy and action plan in the directly involved territories (Bergamo, Italy-Szombathely, Hungary-Klis, Croatia) to derive the necessary elements for the formulation of a joint solution (WP3). The existing green urban mobility plans for the target territories will be integrated with the findings from the application of the newly developed methodological tool (WP3) that will be left with the LAs to support the future improvements of their green strategies. The leader project is Fondazione Politecnico di Milano with a partnership of multidisciplinary subjects involving: Consorzio Nazionale della Cooperazione Sociale CGM (IT), Municipality of Bergamo (IT), University of Passau – Centouris Department (DE), Westpannon Team – pubblic non profit ltd (HU), Municipality of Szombately (HU), SZTAKI – Institute for Computer Science and Control (HU), Eupolis Grupa (HR), Municipality of Klis (HR).

Kick-off meeting of the Green Lamis Project
In Person