We warmly invite you to the Ecological Family Event “Bioeconomy and Climate Change”

Date: 01.02.2024

The bioeconomy is based on the use of biological resources, functions and principles. The circular economy aims to extend the life cycle of materials and products for as long as possible. Combining these concepts to a sustainable and/or circular bioeconomy is discussed as a way of preserving the basis of human life. Establishing sustainable and/or circular bio-based systems relies on contributions from the economy, society and policy. Numerous actors and actions across the globe have been working to enable this change. For instance, the BIOECO-UP project promotes the concept of a sustainable and/or circular bioeconomy across Central Europe by designing exemplary bio-based value chains, addressing consumer awareness and supporting the policy level. This workshop is part of the BIOECO-UP project and focuses on activities at the policy level.


The workshop aims to facilitate an exchange of experiences on:

– policy coherence within the sector and across related domains for selected pathways, mainly focusing on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and bioeconomy strategy;

– drafting, implementing and financing of policy measures to support the sustainable and/or circular bioeconomy.

Contents and format

Measures addressing a sustainable and/or circular bioeconomy are not limited to bioeconomy action plans, they may also be defined in other policy frameworks. In this workshop, the CAP is used as an example for a framework that may accommodate bioeconomy measures. Presentations are going to illustrate possible links between the CAP and the bioeconomy as well as the policy process by means of selected measures from the national CAP Strategic Plans 2023-2027. A panel discussion will bring in the perspectives of panellists from several Central European countries, addressing aspects and experiences about integrating bioeconomy measures into CAP. The audience is invited to discuss with the presenters and panellists in a Q&A session.


The main target groups of this workshop are persons who are actively involved in the CAP policy process. Given the project’s geographical focus, policy makers and advisors from Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia are particularly encouraged to participate.

Time, venue and registration

The workshop will be held online on Thursday, 1st Feb 2024, 10:00 to 12:30 CET. Registration is open until 26 Jan 2024. The number of participants is limited. Participation is free. The meeting link will be provided a few days prior to the event. For more information or for registration (indicating name of participant and organisation), please contact Christoph.Stelzer@bab.gv.at.


Part 1

10:00 Welcome address

Barna Kovács, Secretary General, BIOEAST Initative


Tajana Radić, Chamber of Agriculture, HR

10:10 Presentations:

• Bioeconomy overview in the EU with focus on CEE

Robert M’Barek, EC Joint Research Centre, EU

• Relationships between the CAP and the Bioeconomy Strategy in Italy

Davide Viaggi, University of Bologna, IT

• The CAP and the bioeconomy in Austria – Practical examples and experiences

Georg Rappold, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management, AT

10:50 Questions from the audience

11:00 Break


Part 2

11:10 Panel discussion:

• Exchange of experiences of CAP experts

Panel chair: Ákos Kristóf, Ministry of Agriculture, HU

Panellists (alphabetically sorted by country):

Florian Kamleitner, Ecoplus Platform for Green Transformation and Bioeconomy, AT

Šárka Štejnarová, Ministry of Agriculture, CZ

Anita Sever Koren, Ministry of Agriculture, HR

Viktor Nagy, Ministry of Agriculture, HU

Davide Viaggi, University of Bologna, IT

Jerzy Kozyra, Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, PL

David Kadunc, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, SI

Daniel Ács, Union of Slovak Clusters, SK

12:15 Questions from the audience

12:25 Summary and next steps

12:30 Official closing



  1. European Commission (2018): A sustainable bioeconomy for Europe – Strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment: updated bioeconomy strategy. Updated in 10.2018. URL: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/edace3e3-e189-11e8-b690-01aa75ed71a1/
  2. (accessed: 20.11.2023).
  3. European Parliament: Infographic on the circular economy. Updated in 12.2018. URL: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/infographics/circulareconomy/public/index.html (accessed: 20.11.2023).
  4. United Nations (s.a.): The 17 Sustainable Development Goals. URL: https://sdgs.un.org/goals (accessed: 07.12.2023).
  5. European Commission (2023): CAP Strategic Plans. URL: https://agriculture.ec.europa.eu/cap-mycountry/cap-strategic-plans_en (accessed: 20.11.2023).