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Small-scale projects

Introduction to main features of the small-scale project type.


Partnership size and transnationality

Partnerships of small-scale project proposals must consist of minimum three partners from three countries. At least two partners have to be located in the programme area. The partnerhip size depends on the specific project scope and should take into account the limited project budget.


Partnership composition

In small-scale projects, the same types of institutions as in a classic project are eligible. We encourage especially partnerships that engage stakeholders at the local or community level to ensure relevance and impact. Partnerships should involve partners with the necessary competencies and implementation capacities in the targeted areas.

Project partnerships should consist of local and regional authorities (or related institutions), associations, civil society, non-governmental organisations etc. Involvement of research organisations should be limited, reflecting their main roles of knowledge providers or support to local/regional actors.


Project intervention logic

Small-scale projects follow the same intervention logic as classic projects including all output types (strategies, plans, pilots, solutions, cooperations).

Project objectives must be in line with the call’s thematic and territorial focus, addressing challenges of peripheral and lagging areas. The number of project specific objectives is limited to two (one per work package).

Projects must implement at least one pilot action at the local or regional level and develop a related solution. Pilot actions should preferably concentrate on “soft measures” (e.g. testing of novel services or tools, or participatory approaches etc.)

Project results should be tangible, place-based, with a good upscaling potential into local or regional policies. Results should also have a local dimension, with clear benefits for local communities and target groups, possibly including citizens, in order to strengthen the territorial impact.



The application form for small-scale projects is simplified, limited to two work packages.

Projects have to make use of following simplified cost options:
→ Staff costs on a real costs basis combined with a 40% flat rate for eligible direct costs other than direct staff costs (option 2 in chapter I.4.2.6 of the programme manual)
→ External expertise and services costs and equipment costs on a real costs basis combined with a 20% flat rate for staff costs, a 15 % flat rate for office and administrative costs and the country specific flat rate for travel and accommodation costs (option 3 in chapter I.4.2.6 of the programme manual).



The project duration should consider the limited project budget size, while ensuring sufficient time for the implementation of activities. Accordingly, projects should last between 12 to maximum 24 months.



The project budget cannot exceed 800.000 EUR total budget, corresponding to a maximum of 640.000 EUR ERDF.

Do you have a question?

If you have a question about our call for small-scale projects, do not hesitate to contact our helpdesk. We are there to help and support you along the way.