Project overview
Strategic Transnational Approach to Reduce Light pollution in Central Europe
Bright city lights at night can be helpful but also polluting. They negatively affect human health and the environment. Awareness for this problem is still rather low in many central European cities and now addressed by the DARKERSKY4CE project. The partners change the perceptions about light pollution among local policymakers, tourism entities, and citizens. They spotlight the adverse impact of light pollution on ecosystems and promote dark skies as an asset for sustainable development. To this end, the project sets up a transnational network and fosters dialogue to pave the way for a "Dark Skies Macro Region."
1,79m €
Project Budget
of the Budget is funded by ERDF
Start date
End date
Project progress
Project partnership
Project partners

Lead partner
National Institute for Astrophysics
Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino - Turin Astrophysical Observatory
10025 Pino Torinese (TO)
Project partner
04109 Leipzig
Our challenge

Central Europe is one of the most light polluted areas in the world. Although underestimated, light pollution creates serious problems for ecosystems and biodiversity and, consequently, for humans.
Our idea

DARKERSKY4CE aims to reduce light pollution in central Europe by changing how it is perceived by policy makers, tourism facilities, tourists, and locals. The project objective is to raise awareness on the problem and generate a positive, solution-oriented, attitude to preserve ecosystems and biodiversity, highlighting that dark skies can be a competitive asset for sustainable development in non-urbanised areas.
Our actions

* Collecting and making accessible scientific data on the risk and how it affects ecosystems. * A transnational strategy for the valorisation of dark skies * 5 Pilot Demo Sites to concretise this strategy. * A transnational network to share knowledge and elaborate policy recommendations
Our solution

We want to support local authorities to be able to see dark skies as an asset to protect biodiversity, while also being able to determine the economic value of different sites, well suited for tourism or astronomy. This will be the first step to a roadmap aimed at creating the first “Dark Skies macro-region” in Central Europe.
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Project documents
Webinar "Dark sky and ecosystem services"
The project lead partner is responsible for the content of this project website.