Unveiling Turin’s Financial Innovation: Inspiring Insights for SMEs and Startups

Date: 24.04.2024

In March, Turin hosted a dynamic two-day event focused on exploring innovative financial instruments designed to bolster innovation within small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and startups. FI4INN partners and stakeholders gathering aimed to foster discussions that would influence public and private financial institutions and policymakers to adopt forward-thinking approaches in creating financial tools supportive of innovation.

The event was marked by insightful presentations from high-level speakers who shared examples of financial instruments adapted to support innovation. Attendees benefited from these real-world case studies, which served as benchmarks for designing effective financial strategies.

Key Insights and Discussions

The first day of the event centered on combined financial instruments. Iva Petkova, Director of the Sustainable Cities Fund in Bulgaria, delved into combined financial tools for urban and regional development managed by the Flag Fund. Paolo Zaggia from Finlombarda provided perspectives from ERDF Managing Authorities on combined instruments, supplemented by insights from the European Association of Public Banks (EAPB).

Discussions also explored territorial bonds and basket bonds, presented by Daniele Pecorella of ELITE and Vincenzo Paolo Carbonara of CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, expanding attendees’ understanding of how alternative financial tools can drive innovation effectively.

The focus then shifted to Piedmont’s ecosystem supporting SMEs and startups. Stefano Buscaglia highlighted the work of the LINKS Foundation in promoting digital transformation and innovation, while representatives from Piedmont Region and Finpiemonte outlined public support measures for SMEs, particularly in research and innovation.

Startups and Venture Capital Insights

Representatives from venture capital funds, including Pietro Puglisi from Claris Ventures and Laura Alessandrini from CDP Venture Capital SGR, discussed alternative financial instruments for startups. They showcased successful investments made through initiatives like the Piedmont Next Fund, emphasizing the region’s commitment to fostering a vibrant startup ecosystem.



Exploring Innovative Financial Instruments

A highlight of the event was the discussion on Basket Bonds, an innovative financial instrument dedicated to SMEs. This instrument provides an aggregative and complementary approach to traditional financing, facilitating access to credit and capital markets for businesses looking to grow, innovate, and expand internationally.

The day concluded with a visit to OGR Torino, a hub dedicated to innovation and business acceleration. A wrap-up workshop explored inclusive co-design approaches essential for creating and transferring innovative financial instruments, directly involving stakeholders and project partners.