The RV participated in several Interreg projects in the 2014-2023 programming period. As a regional administration with over 200,000 employees, the Veneto Region can implement multiple projects simultaneously, with its departments and specialists able to be involved and carry out different activities without overlapping tasks and responsibilities. The Veneto Region entity has participated in projects such as: Interreg Adrion PORTODIMARE (geoPORtal of TOols & Data for sustaInable Management of coAstal and maRine Environment), Interreg Italy-Croatia SECURE (Saltwater intrusion and climate change: monitoring, countermeasures and informed governance), Interreg Italy-Croatia CHANGE WE CARE (Climate cHallenges on coAstal and traNsitional chanGing arEas: WEaving a Cross-Adriatic REsponse), Interreg Italy-Croatia ECOMOBILITY (ECOlogical supporting for traffic Management in cOastal areas By using an InteLlIgenT sYstem), Interreg Central Europe GREENERSITIES (Environmental Rehabilitation WHAT WE DO of Brownfield Sites in central Europe).