Let’s talk about the accessibility of Znojmo, Czechia!

Date: 09.11.2023
  • How to get to know a city through 3D models of monuments by touch?
  • What are the hiking opportunities for persons with visual impairment?
  • Where should we map with a focus on wheelchair users in Znojmo?
  • Is it so expensive to make the monuments accessible to all? And when will providers get a return on their investments?

We managed to discuss all this at a workshop in Znojmo, Czechia!

On the first day of the workshop, the programme partners met with service providers with knowledge of the local region of Znojmo, Czech Republic. The providers were introduced to the project objectives, which include the CE-Spaces4All mapping application that can be used to create travel plans.

However, the main goal of the project is not only about trips, it is mainly about seeing the world through the eyes of others. And these are the eyes that service providers should be looking through. The workshop was conducted within the pilot area of Znojmo-Retz, the others being Medimurje County and Rzeszów.

Among those interested in the workshop were representatives from e.g. the Znojmo Municipality, the South Moravian Museum in Znojmo, the Administration of the Podyjí National Park, the Tourism Centre – South Moravia and many others. 

CE-Spaces4All also connected to another Interreg project which is focused on the restoration of the common cultural heritage of Czechia and Austria presented by Ing. arch. Vratislav Zíka.

On the second day of the workshop experts from CENIA and CZEPA conducted a mapping of possible accessible points.