EU Mobility Week in Szeged

Date: 26.09.2024

From September 16 to 20, the 22nd European Mobility Week was held, promoting the importance of greener, more sustainable transportation. As part of Europe’s largest transportation and environmental campaign, the initiative highlights the economic benefits of smart mobility. 

This year’s Car-Free Day events were organized by Szegedi Városkép és Piac Kft. and Szent Györgyi Albert Agóra. Cyclists were treated to a special breakfast at Anna Well, thanks to AlföldiASzC Fodor József Élelmiszeripari Technikum and Pick Szeged Zrt. Meanwhile, Dugonics Square hosted engaging activities for both children and adults, including educational games, safety demonstrations, concerts, and performances. 

In the afternoon, Feketesas Street transformed into a community garage sale, where tables replaced parked cars. Crafts, board games, and even a plant market with a biologist were part of the fun! Komposztfutár introduced their cargo bike, accepting compost donations from locals, while a few clothing stands tempted passersby into the lively little cul-de-sac.