1st Digi-B-Well Workshop

1st Digi-B-Well Workshop

  Since June 2024, the Digi-B-Well project has been actively addressing the challenges of digital transformation stress across Central Europe. The initial phase involved a comprehensive survey to assess the current state of digital stress in SMEs, public...
NÖ Geotage 2024: Erdwärme und Geothermie im Fokus

NÖ Geotage 2024: Erdwärme und Geothermie im Fokus

On September 12th and 13th, 2024, the “NÖ Geotage 2024” conference will take place in Haindorf Castle near Langenlois. This event is all about geothermal energy and is organized by the Office of the Lower Austrian State Government in cooperation with...