Save the date: Webinar on third call launch

Date: 15.10.2024
By: Programme
On 15 October 2024, we will officially launch the third Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE call for project proposals.

With this call, we invite organisations from across central Europe to submit transnational cooperation ideas to “pioneer solutions for peripheral and lagging areas, making them more attractive to live and work in”. The call will have this specific territorial but also a thematic focus and address small-scale projects. The indicative budget will be around 14 million Euros ERDF.

Detailed information on application requirements and the application process will be published on 15 October and presented to potential applicants in this call launch webinar on the same day. Presentations will cover key aspects of the call from its thematic and territorial focus to the main features of small-scale projects. In addition, we will answer questions from participants in a Q&A session. 

Registration to the webinar will open soon on the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE applicant community. A preview of the call is already available on the programme website. This call launch webinar will be followed up by a Q&A webinar towards the end of October, dedicated exclusively to answering general applicant questions.

For further support measures on the transnational and national level, please also have a look at the programme website.