Project meeting and site visit

In Person
Location: Austria
Date: 17.04.2024 - 19.04.2024
The Institute of Building Research & Innovation in Vienna, Austria, is set to host the GreenScape CE project meeting from April 17 to 19, 2024. This gathering marks an important moment for stakeholders involved in the project, which aims to foster climate-proof landscapes by renaturing urban areas across Central Europe.

Under the project index number CE0100042, spanning from March 1st, 2023, to February 28th, 2026, this event serves as a foundation for collaboration and innovation within the consortium.

Agenda Highlights:

Day 1: April 17

The day is packed with thematic workshops, including discussions on key activities, challenges, and strategies for change in urban landscapes. Lunch provides a networking opportunity before delving into sessions on bringing about change through nature-based solutions (NBS) and sustainable replication.

Day 2: April 18th

Discussions continue with a focus on project activities, followed by interactive train-the-trainer seminars aimed at capacity building within the consortium. The day concludes with another joint dinner, fostering further networking and collaboration among participants.

Day 3: April 19th

A site visit offers a hands-on experience, starting with a tour of various urban sites in Vienna (Austria), showcasing innovative implementations of nature-based solutions. The day wraps up with lunch and further discussions on the insights gained from the site visit.

The GreenScape CE project meeting promises to be an enriching experience, driving forward the agenda of urban sustainability in Central Europe. Stay tuned for updates and insights from the event!